A soldier as a God

Hi, After a long time, we are meeting now, just because of the academic life I was unavailable for some time. Now let's begin... So tell me what you think when someone says that I am army cop, may like every one of us he will full of strength, must have a sharp brain, should be very tall and so much courageous. We can be right but not in all cases, during world war II there was a US army cop named Desmond Doss who did not fire a single bullet but he fights with enemies in other ways, he helped his injured cops and nearly saved 75 of them by providing medical help in right time. But this is not easy for him in starting of training when he was supposed to train for the taking shot from his gun he denied, Yes he did, and he said that I am not supposed to fire bullets in war, but I will rescue our injured soldiers just because of this statement lot of things he faced. The time came when trainer started planning for the court-martial to him but the things changed, after fe...